Our goal is to be: A congregation that is known for our Joyful experience of Christ and the Joyful expression of our faith, and that is identified by our humility: our humility with which we walk with our Lord; our humility in which we relate to each other; and our humility by which we reach-out to those outside our congregation.
Our goal is to be: A congregation that grows disciples, both in quality and in numbers, where all of us affiliated with Immanuel Church are engaged increasingly in worship, in fellowship, in learning, in service to others, and in evangelism.
Our goal is to be: A congregation that is increasingly “alive!” and teeming with lay-led ministries that are designed first to meet the needs of those outside the church and then, second, to meet the needs of those within the congregation.
Our goal is to be: A congregation that embraces change as a virtue of following Christ who is constantly moving us from one place to another, that celebrates diversity in how Christ is constituting our community of faith and working in the individual lives of our members, and that encourages individuality by helping every member discover what gifts the Holy Spirit has provided that member and in what ministry Christ is calling that member to serve.
Our goal is to be: A congregation that brings everyone into a Joy-filled relationship with Jesus Christ that will utterly transform their lives and make even the impossible possible.