No Judgments, Just Jesus

Sermons on Ordinary Time (Page 12)

Ordinary Time 14 – The Differences That Divide: And the God Who Welcomes (Romans 14:1-12)

Differences of opinion and practice can wreak havoc on unity if left unchecked. In today’s reading, Paul addresses a community where differences have done just that, leading to condemnation and condescension. Paul argues that differences should not lead to these things, but rather, be an opportunity to welcome the other and witness to the Gospel. Opening Hymn: Great Is Thy Faithfulness Closing…

Take a Walk With Me (Matthew 16:21-28)

Our conversation continues from last week as we looked at who Jesus is. Not only are we wrestling with who Jesus is, but we are learning to listen to the new ways we are being called to follow him. Opening Hymn: Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Closing Doxology: Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

Ordinary Time 7 – When Nothing is Everything: Salve for Separation Anxiety (Romans 8:26-39)

The conclusion of Romans 8 is considered by many Christians to be one of the greatest statements of assurance and comfort offered in the sacred writings. In the midst of a groaning creation riddled with struggles, anxieties, injustice, and fears, the Apostle boldly argues for the absolute triumph of God’s love, concluding that “nothing will be able to separate us from the…

Ordinary Time 6 – Symphony of Sighs: Hopeful Groaning in a Suffering World (Romans 8:18-28)

In the middle of one of the most encouraging and inspiring chapters in the Bible, the Apostle Paul writes of a three-fold groaning, a “symphony of sighs” experienced by the world, ourselves, and God. It is in this hopeful groaning in a suffering world that we find ourselves, and it is precisely here where God is at work. Opening Hymn: Morning Has…

Ordinary Time 5 – “Let Anyone with Ears, Listen!” The Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23)

Jesus’s favorite method of teaching was telling stories — stories that have the possibility to disarm us, inspire us, and transform us if we are willing to “dig deep” into them. In today’s story, sometimes called “The Parable of the Four Soils,” sometimes called “The Parable of the Sower”, and sometimes called “The Parable of the Hundredfold Harvest”, we learn important truths…