No Judgments, Just Jesus

Sermons on Epiphany (Page 4)

Epiphany II – God’s Kind of King: The Temptation of Christ (Matthew 4:1-11)

After his baptism, the Spirit leads Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted. Unlike the first parents who failed in the fullness of Paradise, Jesus resists temptation in the barren wilderness. By trusting in and obeying God’s word, Jesus succeeds where all others had previously failed. He is thus the new Adam and the truly faithful Israelite – the Beloved Son in…

Epiphany I – Walk Wet: Why Baptism Matters (Mark 1:1-11)

Unlike Matthew and Luke, Mark hits the ground running – ignoring the details concerning Jesus’ birth and heading straight into Jesus’ baptism. Perhaps the most unique aspect of Mark’s account is that “the heavens are town apart and the Spirit descends like a dove on Jesus.” The rending of heaven language draws attention God’s “invasion” of our world in the person of…