Through the angel Gabriel, God visits a lowly peasant girl named Mary and announces that she will bear a son and call him Jesus. This one will be great, “the Son of the Most High,” and will be given an eternal kingdom in the lineage of the house of David. In Jesus, God’s promise to provide a deliverer for Israel (and for…
Inspired by God’s Spirit, the “anointed” one brings good news of redemption, liberation, and healing. God’s favor is coming to bring gladness to those who mourn and renewal to the ruined. The blessed of the Lord will greatly rejoice with their whole being because of God’s glorious salvation. Opening Carol: How Great My Joy! Ministry of Music by Youth Choir: Rejoice in…
The prophet speaks words of comfort and peace to exiled Israel. Israel experienced exile because of its sins, but the time of God’s judgment is over. God is coming in power and might to save God’s people. The prophet calls Israel to repent of its sins and remove all obstacles to God’s way. John the Baptist will proclaim this message prior to…
As they go about their normal lives, a faithful priest and his wife are given shocking and unexpected news. Zacharias is told that his elderly wife Elizabeth will bear a child, and that this child “will be great in the sight of the Lord” – the one predicted by the prophet Malachi who will be a forerunner before the coming of the…