No Judgments, Just Jesus

Sermons by Rich Vincent (Page 27)

You Smell! The Fragrance of Faith (2 Corinthians 2:5-17)

Wednesday’s “Through the Bible” Study is now online and streaming. Grateful that his “Letter of Tears” was positively received by the Corinthian community and the trouble-maker had been disciplined, Paul now encourages the Corinthians to forgive the trouble-maker and welcome him back, so that he’s not “overwhelmed with sorrow”. He then defends his apostolic authority by speaking of his integrity, and calling…

Love Hurts: When Plans Fall Apart (2 Corinthians 1:12 – 2:4)

Wednesday’s “Thru the Bible” Study is now online and streaming. In today’s reading, the Apostle Paul feels compelled to defend his decision to delay his visit to Corinth since their are strong voices in Corinth accusing Paul of fickleness and untrustworthiness. Paul writes honestly about how he had to make difficult decisions that he hoped would demonstrate his love to the Corinthians…

Easter 6 – The Unknown God: Preaching to the “Nones” (Acts 17:16-33)

In this story from Acts, Paul witnesses of his faith in the intellectual center of Athens. Paul accommodates his message to this unique setting by commending his listener’s spiritual curiosity, finding common ground, and speaking of God’s revelation in Christ. Though the idolatry of the city outrages him, Paul speaks with great grace and respect toward his listeners, providing a model for…

Gloom, Despair & Agony On Me: Affliction’s Unintended Blessings (2 Corinthians 1:1-11)

With his credibility in question by the new “super-apostles”, Paul writes a painful letter to encourage the Corinthians that in spite of his physical weakness, poor rhetorical skills, and emotional troubles, he remains a legitimate apostle who is simply sharing “the sufferings of Christ”. In his opening to the letter, he writes of a specific situation that pressed his faith to the…

Easter 5: Rolling Stones: God’s Spiritual House (1 Peter 2:1-10)

Easter 5 Service is now online and streaming. The Apostle Peter admonishes a suffering church community to embody the truth that they are “living stones” in God’s “spiritual house”. To this end he encourages them to nurture an appetite for spiritual growth so they can “grow together” into the truth that they are God’s people in the world. “Living stones” should be…

Learning Contentment: “The Secret” According to Paul (Philippians 4:10-23)

Paul concludes his “Epistle of Joy” by thanking (sort of) the Philippians for their financial support while also speaking of his “contentment in Christ” and his joy in the spiritual fruit of the Philippians expressed in their generosity. Join us for the “After the Thru the Bible Chat” at 7:30 p.m. Email Rich or Jenny for the Password

Carry On, Wayward Sons and Daughters (Philippians 4:1-9)

After updating the Philippians on his situation and sharing his testimony, Paul now concludes his letter with admonitions to the church to “stand firm in the Lord”. They are to carry on by pursuing love, rejoicing in the Lord, dwelling in the peace of God, and reflecting deeply on the “good, true, and beautiful” in their lives and culture. This is a…

Broken Hearts on the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)

Christ’s presence goes unrecognized by the two disciples with broken hearts seeking to escape their troubles by fleeing to Emmaus. But as Jesus opens the scriptures to them and then shares a meal with them, their despair transforms to joy as their “hearts burn within them.” No matter what road we travel – with broken hearts to Emmaus or burning hearts back…