No Judgments, Just Jesus

Easter (Page 3)

Easter 6 – The Unknown God: Preaching to the “Nones” (Acts 17:16-33)

In this story from Acts, Paul witnesses of his faith in the intellectual center of Athens. Paul accommodates his message to this unique setting by commending his listener’s spiritual curiosity, finding common ground, and speaking of God’s revelation in Christ. Though the idolatry of the city outrages him, Paul speaks with great grace and respect toward his listeners, providing a model for…

Easter 5: Rolling Stones: God’s Spiritual House (1 Peter 2:1-10)

Easter 5 Service is now online and streaming. The Apostle Peter admonishes a suffering church community to embody the truth that they are “living stones” in God’s “spiritual house”. To this end he encourages them to nurture an appetite for spiritual growth so they can “grow together” into the truth that they are God’s people in the world. “Living stones” should be…

Broken Hearts on the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)

Christ’s presence goes unrecognized by the two disciples with broken hearts seeking to escape their troubles by fleeing to Emmaus. But as Jesus opens the scriptures to them and then shares a meal with them, their despair transforms to joy as their “hearts burn within them.” No matter what road we travel – with broken hearts to Emmaus or burning hearts back…