The Grace of Repentance (Luke 3:1-18) January 15, 2017 Rich Vincent Senior Moments: The Blessing of Enduring Faith (Luke 2:21-40) January 8, 2017 Rich Vincent The Christ Conundrum: Whose Son is the Messiah? (Matthew 22:41-46) January 4, 2017 Rich Vincent Matthew Cherish is the Word (Luke 2:1-20) January 1, 2017 Rich Vincent The Greatest Commandment: The Perspective of Triadic Love (Matthew 22:34-40) December 21, 2016 Rich Vincent Matthew Why I Believe… Jesus on the Resurrection (Matthew 22:23-33) December 14, 2016 Rich Vincent Matthew Singing in the Reign: Advent – The Musical (Luke 1:39-56) December 11, 2016 Rich Vincent The Tax Trap: Between Two Worlds (Matthew 22:15-22) December 7, 2016 Rich Vincent Matthew Let It Be: There’s Something about Mary (Luke 1:26-38) December 4, 2016 Rich Vincent Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? The Great Feast (Matthew 22:1-14) November 30, 2016 Rich Vincent Matthew
The Christ Conundrum: Whose Son is the Messiah? (Matthew 22:41-46) January 4, 2017 Rich Vincent Matthew
The Greatest Commandment: The Perspective of Triadic Love (Matthew 22:34-40) December 21, 2016 Rich Vincent Matthew
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? The Great Feast (Matthew 22:1-14) November 30, 2016 Rich Vincent Matthew