As Paul concludes his testimony to the Philippians he reminds them that “he has not arrived” but “presses on” to the prize. He then offers himself as an example to follow in order to be “mature” (which in the Greek is “perfect”). Incredibly, for Paul, a mature Christian stance is to “live perfectly in imperfection” – or more simply, to be “perfectly…
On this Sunday after Easter, we reflect on Peter’s admonition to a church going through “various trials” to be people of proven faith, living hope, and divine love. Though the Party’s over, the call to be God’s “Easter People” in the world remains.
We continue our “Wednesday Night Through the Bible Study” of Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians by studying his testimony concerning his greatest passion – to know Christ. In his mind, nothing compares to the “surpassing value of knowing Christ” and he desires that the Philippians would share this value that they might know God’s joy. Join us for an “After Through the…
Marlene starts our reflection with “Christ We Do All Adore Thee” followed by a 20-minute reflection on “The Stations of the Cross”. Marlene concludes this reflection with “Pie Jesu”. We hope this is an encouragement to you. God bless you this Good Friday!
On Maundy Thursday we reflect on the events of Jesus’ last night on earth. We move from Jesus washing the disciples’ feet, to his institution of the Lord’s Supper, and then his descent into the shadows of human sin and sorrow. We hope these reflections will be a blessing to you!
Usually following our Wednesday night “Through the Bible Study” we have time for questions and comments. In this video, Pastor Rich entertains questions from Mike Mattek concerning the message “The Shining: A Life Poured Out” ( We hope this clarifies the message and makes it more applicable to your life.