At the burning bush, God calls Moses to the nearly impossible task of liberating God’s people. Moses responds with a series of excuses that begins with “Who am I to do this?” Moses’ sense of inadequacy is met by God’s reassurance of the divine presence. Opening Hymn: Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven Closing Doxology: Glory Be to the Father
Though the Apostle Paul knew that bragging of one’s accomplishments was the stuff of fools, he is backed into a corner, and forced to speak like a fool and “toot his own horn” in order to defend himself against the super-apostles’ accusations against him. In the end, he makes it clear that all this “foolish talk” was not for his own sake…
Our conversation continues from last week as we looked at who Jesus is. Not only are we wrestling with who Jesus is, but we are learning to listen to the new ways we are being called to follow him. Opening Hymn: Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Closing Doxology: Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
Jesus asks us a question we all wrestle with, “who do you say that I am?” When we all begin answering differently, how do we hold these differences with awe and wonder so they can deepen our own relationship with Christ? Opening Hymn: Holy, Holy, Holy Closing Doxology: Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
After a glorious display of courage, Elijah is overcome with despair and flees to a cave. He prays that God would take his life, because he feels that his faithfulness is in vain. God tenderly and compassionately tends to his wounded heart with food, counsel, and a series of intense revelations – fire, wind, earthquake – that concludes with “the sound of…
In defense of Paul’s legitimacy as an Apostle called into question by the “super-apostles”, Paul “foolishly” boasts in himself. However, unlike the “super-apostles”, he does not boast of his skills or physical strength, but instead, “boasts in his weakness”. For Paul has learned that it is through his weaknesses that God’s power is most fully displayed. Join us for our “After the…
In fear for their lives on the stormy sea, the disciples are shocked by a strange apparition walking on the waves that claims to be Jesus. Peter seeks to prove the identity of this unexpected visitor by getting out of the boat and walking on the waves to Jesus. For a moment, he is successful, but the sight of the winds proves…
The “super-apostles” have sought to undermine Paul’s authority by questioning his appearance, critiquing his speech, and scoffing at his sufferings, ultimately accusing Paul of being “all bark and no bite” – bold when away, but a wimp in person. Paul defends himself by speaking of his boldness in Christ that shapes his ministry through “meekness and gentleness”. He does not want the…
Jacob’s life was characterized by deception and foolhardy ambition and he paid the price for it in having to flee his home out of fear for his life. Twenty years later when he returns, he encounters God in the form of a man who wrestles with him throughout the night. In the end, Jacob’s name (which means “deceiver”) is changed to Israel…
Paul concludes his appeal to the Corinthians to complete their “Jerusalem Offering” by seeking to motivate them to “sow generously” in order that they might be “cheerful givers” who reflect the abundant giving of God. Paul’s practical principles on how and why to give are timeless, and helpful in nurturing a generous and joyful heart. Join us for our “After the Through…