Paul begins his description of God’s subversive and counter-cultural “armor” by speaking of the importance of truth, justice, and peace-making. He is opposed to fighting the world’s powers in the world’s way. Instead he calls us to follow in the way of Christ and be a “soldier of truth, justice, and peace” in a world of deception, injustice, and division. Join us…
The dominant action of Jesus’ public ministry is the proclamation of the gospel, which Mark summarizes in this way: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand.” The appropriate response to this good news is repentance and belief. Opening Hymn: Be Thou My Vision Closing Doxology: Now Thank We All Our God
Chained to Roman soldier, imprisoned for his faith, the Apostle Paul uses a soldier’s equipment to describe the virtues Christ’s followers must “put on” in order to fight the good fight of faith. Christ’s followers wage a different kind of war than the world expects – a spiritual battle of truth, righteousness, and peace. All are facets of love. Join us for…
After his baptism, the Spirit leads Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted. Unlike the first parents who failed in the fullness of Paradise, Jesus resists temptation in the barren wilderness. By trusting in and obeying God’s word, Jesus succeeds where all others had previously failed. He is thus the new Adam and the truly faithful Israelite – the Beloved Son in…
Paul subversively undermines the patriarchalism and slavery of his day by calling all people – male/female, young/old, slave/free – to “be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ”. By doing this, Paul lights a fuse that will undo the oppressions and injustice of his culture by working within the cultural institutions and applying the Gospel to societal norms. Join us…
Unlike Matthew and Luke, Mark hits the ground running – ignoring the details concerning Jesus’ birth and heading straight into Jesus’ baptism. Perhaps the most unique aspect of Mark’s account is that “the heavens are town apart and the Spirit descends like a dove on Jesus.” The rending of heaven language draws attention God’s “invasion” of our world in the person of…
In addressing how the Gospel should be implemented in family structures, Paul subversively transforms the dominant culture’s perspective by calling for mutual submission guided by love and respect for the other. Though his culture is patriarchal, he sows the seeds of equity and justice by calling on all to stand by, for, and with the other, instead of capitulating to controlling and…
In contrast to God, our lives are short, fleeting, and uncertain. We do not know what tomorrow may bring. We are not even promised that tomorrow may come. James condemns boasting about time without regard for the Lord. Followers of Christ are to walk wisely in a world full of obstacles to holy living. This has relevance in regard to the use…
Simeon – an aged and righteous man – blesses the Lord for allowing him to live to see the Christ-child. He also warns Mary that Jesus will serve as a catalyst. Some will respond positively; some, negatively. Ultimately, Mary’s heart will be pierced with grief by the coming crisis. The prophet Anna proclaims good news to all who will listen. Both Simeon…