Paul states the reason for which God appointed him to ministry within the church – to preach Christ, teach wisdom, and present every person complete in Christ. He performs this task with great vigor, for it is in Christ that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found. He rejoices in his suffering which is for the sake of church. Like…
John 3:16 is one of the most well-known verses in the Bible. It is a beautiful summary of the Gospel. It communicates the depth of the generosity of God in giving God’s heart to the world. In today’s message, we focus specifically on one word from this verse, the word “so”, and we will discover why its “so” important! Opening Hymn: When…
Paul incorporates an ancient hymn of the early church into his letter to the Colossians. From this pre-Pauline liturgical work we learn much of what the early church understood Jesus to have accomplished through the cross. Join us for our “After the Through the Bible” Zoom Chat at 7:30 p.m. Password is same for regulars. If you need it, contact Rich…
God reveals Godself through the beauty, glory, and grandeur of creation. But, even more importantly, God reveals Godself through God’s saving actions and God’s testimony concerning these actions. In this way, God’s “word” becomes a means of grace, manifesting God’s presence, and renewing and restoring the soul. Opening Hymn: God of Grace and God of Glory Ministry of Music: Sophia Landowski –…
Paul writes from prison to a church he has never personally visited. He expresses his joy over their obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ. He delights in their faith, hope, and love. He reminds them that he prays continually for their spiritual welfare. He then prays for their deepening growth in faith and understanding. His prayer highlights importance aspects of spiritual…
The Apostle Paul reveals what is at the heart of saving faith: believing God’s promises no matter the circumstances, even when one “hopes against hope”. It is God’s faithfulness that we have faith in, not our own. Opening Hymn: “Praise to the Lord” Ministry of Music: Ed Muelling – “Amazing Grace with My Chains Are Gone” Closing Doxology: “Praise God from Whom…
Paul writes from prison to a church he has never personally visited. He expresses his joy over their obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ. He delights in their faith, hope, and love. Join us for our “After the Through the Bible Zoom Chat” at 7:30 p.m. Password is the same for regulars. Contact Jenny or Rich if you need it.
Our spirituality should be simple, pure, and honest. We do not practice piety to be noticed by others but to please God. Good works like almsgiving, prayer, and fasting should be done, first and foremost, for God’s sake, regardless of human recognition or reward. God wants our hearts and not just our hands. Wholeness and integrity are the goal. Opening Hymn: Worship…
A special thank you to our Worship Team and Michal Gerard for their contributions to this service! Join us for our “After the Through the Bible Zoom Chat” at 7:30 p.m. Password is same for regulars. Contact Jenny or Rich if you need it.
The overwhelming and terrifying experience of Jesus’ transfiguration causes Peter to babble until God’s voice declares clearly, “This is my beloved son. Listen to him!” The experience defies full understanding, but the closest disciples completely fail to “get the point”. Opening Hymn: O Worship the King Closing Doxology: Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing