No Judgments, Just Jesus

Easter 3 – Unstoppable! Paul’s Six-Word Memoir (Philippians 1:20-26)

From prison, Paul continues to preach and practice the gospel. He continues to rejoice, because no matter how great the trial, God’s power in Christ is greater. Paul’s philosophy is simple: Living is Christ, dying is gain. His win/win philosophy makes him an unstoppable force in serving others in the name of Christ. Opening Hymn: The Church’s One Foundation (Hymnal 311) Closing…

Sidetracked: Three Pitfalls That Sideline Christ (Colossians 2:16-23)

Because of God’s boundless grace, our lives are hidden with Christ in God. We believe what we do not completely understand or feel. Because of this, we are tempted to establish more “certain” criteria to evaluate our spiritual state. Through a preoccupation with legalism, mysticism, or ascetism, we lose focus on Christ and become proud, self-centered, and exclusive. Join us for our…

Good Friday Service 2021

Prelude: O Sacred Head, Now Wounded Michal Gerard: Were You There? Worship Team: I Come to the Cross, Lamb of God, What Wondrous Love is This Dramatic Reading: John Buck, Michal Gerard (Narrator and Crowd) Cindy Komro and Ana Komro: Peace I Leave With You

Maundy Thursday Service 2021

Join us for a service of songs, reflections, and readings related to Jesus’ final night in his earthly ministry as he shares a Passover meal with his disciples and gives his great final command. Prelude: Go to Dark Gethsemane Worship Team: Gather Us In, Humble King, Follow You Readers: Mike Mattek, Rachel Gumm, Norm Loomer, KC Laycock, John Kocourek, Pat Love, Rev.…

Palm Sunday – Lay Down Your Palms: Jesus’ Protest Against Violence (Mark 11:1-11)

Jesus humbly enters Jerusalem on a donkey. The crowd responds by laying out palm branches and joyfully proclaiming messianic praise: “Hosanna to the King of Israel!” Though initially embraced, Jesus’ new kind of kingship and new kind of kingdom will be ultimately rejected. Opening Hymn: Hosanna, Loud Hosanna, Hymnal, #238Ministry of Music: Youth Choir – “The King of Glory” Closing Doxology: All…

At Home in the Mystery: Seeking Hidden Treasures in Christ (Colossians 2:1-15)

Paul urges the Colossians to be united in love, growing in understanding of God’s mystery, Christ Jesus himself. In him is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge that elude humanity’s grasp. Having received Christ as Lord, the church is urged to walk in him, growing in faith, overflowing with gratitude. Join us for our “After the Through the Bible Zoom…

Lent 5 – The School of Hard Knocks: Sympathy Learned Through Suffering (Hebrews 4:14-5:10)

To encourage a struggling faith community, the author of Hebrews hopes to inspire them to prayerful faithfulness by reminding them of Jesus, our great high priest. During his earthly ministry, he struggled with temptation and labored in prayer, and is therefore perfectly equipped to be our gentle guide in our own challenges. Opening Hymn: Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross, Hymnal #617…