No Judgments, Just Jesus

Pentecost Sunday – Walking in the Spirit (John 14-16)

During his final night with the disciples, Jesus speaks of “another Comforter” – the Holy Spirit – that will be with them forever. The Spirit will guide the disciples in the way of Jesus. Just as the Son glorifies the Father by revealing the Father’s heart, so the Spirit glorifies the Son by shining light upon Jesus’ revelation. Opening Hymn: Spirit of…

Pray, Live, Speak: A Wise and Gracious Witness to the Gospel (Colossians 4:2-18)

Paul concludes his epistle by summarizing all that’s gone before in three brief admonitions: Devote yourself to prayer. Walk wisely. Speak graciously. This session includes a “bonus” section covering the final set of greetings that include a few interesting additions. Join us for our “After the Through the Bible” Zoom Chat at 7:30 p.m. Password is the same for regulars. If…

At Home with the Gospel (Colossians 3:18 – 4:1)

Living the gospel must begin in the home. How we live in our family says a great deal about our faith. In this passage, Paul addresses three basic relationships in an ancient household. He calls for mutual love and respect between husbands and wives, obedience and tenderness between children and parents, and integrity and justice between servant and master. Join us for…

The House Where Christ Dwells (Colossians 3:15-17)

Clothed with Christlikeness, the church is called to embody Christ in peaceful unity, grateful praise, and growing faith. All are called to embody Christ’s grace in corporate worship. This worshipful outlook is to pervade our lives, as we seek to do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Join us for our “After the Through the Bible Zoom Chat”…

Heaven’s Wardrobe: The Designs of the Divine Tailor (Colossians 3:12-14)

God’s people are to be characterized by compassion, kindness, and humility. Above all things they are to “clothe themselves” with love. The end result of true spirituality ought to be humble love that seeks to bless rather than curse others. Join us for our “After the Through the Bible Zoom Chat” at 7:30 p.m.​ Password is same for regulars. If you…