No Judgments, Just Jesus

Past Events (Page 5)

Soup and Solitude for Lent

So often we think of things we can give up during the Lenten Season; well here is something we welcome you to take on… Please join us for a cup of soup in the Friendship Room anytime between 5:45-6:45pm on Wednesday nights during Lent, beginning March 8th. Homemade soups will be provided by members of Immanuel. In an effort to keep it…

Rally Day “Sundae”

Plan on joining your Immanuel Church Family for a Pig Roast and Ice Cream Social on Sept 11th. The festivities will begin in the sanctuary immediately following the 10:30 service where we will welcome back the J.A.M. Time Shine Brites as they sing about their Journey with Jesus. This will be followed by a picnic in the parking lot… ALL ARE WELCOME!!  …

Ash Wednesday Dinner

Please join the youth for dinner at their baked potato bar dinner, which will be available from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. A free- will offering will be taken to benefit Friends of Abused Families Here in West Bend. Ash Wednesday worship begins at 7:00 p.m.