Immanuel Church’s Youth Group is having a Car Wash and Brat Fry this Saturday, May 11th from 11:00am-3:00pm. The Car Wash will be a freewill donation. Stop by and support our Youthful Shine Brites! Profits from the car wash support Youth Mission Trips.
Immanuel United Church of Christ presents its 9th annual Talent Show Sunday April 28th Show starts at 4:00pm Italian dinner immediately following Invite your friends and family!! Tickets for the dinner are on sale through Sunday! Adults/Youth ~ $8 per person Children ages 6-12 ~ $5 per person Little Shine Brites under age 5 ~ $2 There is no admission to the…
We invite you to participate in our Maundy Thursday service tonight at 7:00. We will reflect on Jesus’ last command to his disciples, the last supper, and his first steps toward the cross. Hope to see you there! “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.…
So often we think of things we can give up during the Lenten Season; well here is something we welcome you to take on… Please join us for a cup of soup in the Friendship Room anytime between 5:30-6:30pm on Wednesday nights during Lent, beginning March 13th. Homemade soups will be provided by members of Immanuel. If you are interested in providing…
Do you have any “spare” time? Come “strike” up some fun with us! The India Task Force is hosting a Bowling Party! Sunday, March 24th from Noon – 3:00 pm Lunch will be served at church, then we’ll head to King Pin Bowling Alley. $10 per person includes lunch, 2 games, shoes & prizes!! ($5 if you’d like to have lunch but…
Please join us for a Baked Potato Bar, provided by the Goodie Gals, in the Friendship Room from 5:30pm-6:45pm. before our Ash Wednesday Service at 7:00 p.m.