No Judgments, Just Jesus

Community (Page 3)

Advent Letter 2018

Dear Immanuel Members and Friends, I have a confession to make: I always feel “out of sync” when it comes to the so-called “Christmas Season”. While the world is gearing up for a warm time of good cheer and holiday parties, with shopping malls displaying Christmas decorations and playing Christmas carols, and people stocking up on the perfect gifts for their friends…

December 2018 Journey Connection

As we enter Advent, preparing our hearts for Christmas, we invite you to read through the December Journey Connection to find ways to Celebrate the Season, Share in your Abundance, and Give Thanks for the good things happening at Immanuel Church!  Click below to view… Dec 2018 Journey Connection

Wednesday Prayers

Evening Prayer   Sometimes It Just Seems to Be Too Much by Ted Loder   Sometimes Lord, it just seems to be too much: to much violence, too much fear; too much of demands and problems; too much of broken dreams and broken lives; too much of war and slums and dying; too much of greed and squishy fatness and the sounds…

Tuesday Prayers

Evening Prayer and Scripture:   O gracious light, pure brightness of the ever-living Father in heaven, Jesus Christ, holy and blessed!   Now as we come to the setting of the sun, and our eyes behold the vesper light, we seek you , O God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Lord, let us feel your presence as we intently seek you. Restore…

Monday Prayers

Monday 6pm Prayer and Scripture Prayer: Jesus stand beside me. Guide and direct my life. Teach me what I need to know. Help me with my work. Let me serve you and others, That I may be worthy of God’s grace. Scripture: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over…

Emergency Congregational Meeting – September 23, 2018 at 11:45 a.m.

Sunday, September 16, 2018 Congregational Announcement Good Morning, This announcement is an attempt to keep the congregation informed as to the physical state of Immanuel. As you are aware Immanuel suffered a significant water event the weekend of GermanFest and in the days that followed. The water event, at a minimum, caused the loss of all carpet in the basement, damage to…

Christian Education Registration

Dear Immanuel Families, Below you will find the link to the an online registration form for all the upcoming Immanuel UCC Christian Education opportunities. To best meet the needs of each child, we are asking for updated registration information each year.  Paper registration copies are also available on the JAM Time bulletin board. Sunday, September 9th is Rally Day.  Rain or shine we…