No Judgments, Just Jesus

Posts by admin (Page 8)

Lenten Devotion – Week Four

 Lenten Devotion – Week Four Opening Thoughts The dictionary describes “interruption” as a stoppage or hindering of an activity for a time, or a break in the continuity of something. Interruptions have been happening since the world began, but certainly now more than ever we recognize that everyone on earth is being interrupted… and currently for the same reason. Therefore, the question…

Lenten Solitude Devotion – Week Three

Opening Prayer ~ Gather Me to Be with You by Ted Loder O God, gather me now to be with you as you are with me. Soothe my tiredness… quiet my fretfulness… curb my aimlessness… relieve my compulsiveness… let me be easy for a moment. O Lord, release me from the fears and guilts which grip me so tightly; from the expectations…

Response to Coronavirus Concerns

Dear Immanuel Church Family, How does the church respond in this era of COVID-19? Over the last 24 hours, the corona virus situation in the U.S. and in Wisconsin has changed drastically. Globally, we are in a “pandemic.” The U.S. has instituted emergency precautions. Yesterday, the Governor of Wisconsin declared a state of emergency. Cases in Wisconsin have gone from 1, last…

Lenten Solitude Devotion – Week Two

Lenten Devotion – Week Two Opening Prayer ~ I Need to Breathe Deeply by Ted Loder Eternal Friend, Grant me an ease to breathe deeply of this moment, to follow this light you offer, to know this miracle of now. Beneath the din and fury of great movements and harsh news and urgent crises, make me attentive still to good news, to…

Lenten Solitude Devotion – Week One

Last week marked the opening of Lent. For six and a half weeks, we will join Christians around the world in self-reflection, new disciplines and spiritual awareness.  What will that look like for you?  What is your hope regarding your relationship with Jesus and your own wellbeing by the time we celebrate Easter?  No matter what sacred pathway you are on, strive…

January Journey Connection 2020

Ring in the New Year and celebrate with us as we give thanks for all the ways the Spirit of Christmas flowed through Immanuel and beyond last year, and join us as we look to this next decade for ways to be and make Spirit-filled followers of Christ who shine the light of God’s love to the world!