No Judgments, Just Jesus

Posts by admin (Page 7)

Letter from our General Conference Minister to UCC Churches

Dear friends and colleagues, As you well know, yesterday the Wisconsin Supreme Court issued a decision striking down the Governor’s safer-at-home order, thus lifting restrictions on businesses and public gatherings. The court did not challenge the wisdom or medical prudence of the Badger Bounce Back plan. The “lifting of restrictions” ruling came as a response to a legal challenge arguing that the…

Easter Letter from the Pastor

Dear Members and Friends of Immanuel United Church of Christ, What a strange Holy Week this will be! We are used to gathering together with great joy at the end of Lent to raise our palm branches high, shout hosanna, and welcome Jesus into Jerusalem. We are used to gathering together on Maundy Thursday to wash feet, celebrate communion, and then begin…

Lenten Devotion – Week 5

Catch me in my anxious quarantine, Lord, and hold me in this Lenten season: hold my feet to the fire of your grace and make me attentive to my mortality that I may begin to die now to those things that keep me from living with you and with my neighbors on this earth; to grudges and indifference, to certainties that smother…

A Letter from Our President

A letter from Immanuel Church’s President Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. 1 Corinthians 12:27 The taverns are fair full of gadabouts making merry this eve.  Though I may press my face against the window like an urchin at a confectioner’s, I am tempted not by the sweetmeat within, a dram in exchange for the pox…

Lenten Devotion – Week Four

 Lenten Devotion – Week Four Opening Thoughts The dictionary describes “interruption” as a stoppage or hindering of an activity for a time, or a break in the continuity of something. Interruptions have been happening since the world began, but certainly now more than ever we recognize that everyone on earth is being interrupted… and currently for the same reason. Therefore, the question…