No Judgments, Just Jesus

Posts by admin (Page 13)

Stewardship Letter 2017

Dear Members and Friends of Immanuel, “Stewardship is receiving and sharing God’s bounteous gifts and managing them for the best promotion of God’s purposes in the world.” (Milo Kauffman) For the past few weeks we’ve been reflecting together on the theme of Stewardship. We began by considering that stewardship is much more than “fund-raising”. Stewardship is a way of life. Since God…

UCC Disaster Relief

There are many ways to help with the disaster relief in regard to the recent hurricanes. Our denomination offers aid in disaster relief as well. To find out more or to donate, click on this link:

Register Online for Classes

Dear Immanuel Church Family, In order to make the process of registering our youth for our Christian Education opportunities, we have created a Google Form! Click here to complete the registration. All ages of youth are included in this registration form. Note that some questions are specific to JAM Time, Confirmation, High School Youth, or Choir. If you prefer to complete a paper form,…

A Thank You for Sabbatical

Greetings, beloved church. I want to take a moment to express my deep gratitude for the gift of sabbatical. My prayer is that the rest, reorientation, and research this time allowed me will lead to our mutual benefit, as we continue to strive together to bear witness of the good news of Jesus Christ. I am particularly glad to hear of the…


Every five years the church offers me the privilege of sabbatical. This affords me the opportunity to pursue educational opportunities that would not be available otherwise. This time of planning, studying, and resting both enriches and refreshes my heart and mind, thus making me a better minister to all. This sabbatical begins on June 5. During my absence, Emma Landowski, Mike Mattek,…

Wednesday Prayers

Afternoon Prayer THE ABSOLUTE (A spiritual exercise by Anthony de Mello) God says, “Give me your heart.” And then, in answer to my puzzlement, I hear him say. “Your heart is where your treasure is.” My treasures—here they are: persons . . . places . . . occupations . . . things . . . experiences of the past . . .…

Tuesday Prayers

Evening Prayer Prayer: As we come to this Election Day, we ask for wisdom, knowing that you love to give generously to all without reproach (James 1:8). Forgive us for all the times, especially during this campaign, where we have been quick to speak and slow to listen. Forgive us for too often exhibiting the anger of man that does not produce…

Monday Prayers

Evening Prayer Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Heavenly Father, I come…