No Judgments, Just Jesus

Posts by admin (Page 10)

UCC General Synod 32 Information

The National UCC Conference is taking place in Milwaukee, June 21 – 25, 2019. More information can be found by following this link: UCC General Synod If you are interested in volunteering to help with the event, click this link for more information: Synod Volunteering Information. All areas are in need of volunteer help but help is especially needed in the following…

January 2019 Journey Connection

Start your New Year off with a commitment to service!  Check out the Journey Connection and join us as we strive to be and make Spirit-filled followers of Christ who shine the light of God’s love to the world. Journey Connection January 2019

Advent Letter 2018

Dear Immanuel Members and Friends, I have a confession to make: I always feel “out of sync” when it comes to the so-called “Christmas Season”. While the world is gearing up for a warm time of good cheer and holiday parties, with shopping malls displaying Christmas decorations and playing Christmas carols, and people stocking up on the perfect gifts for their friends…

December 2018 Journey Connection

As we enter Advent, preparing our hearts for Christmas, we invite you to read through the December Journey Connection to find ways to Celebrate the Season, Share in your Abundance, and Give Thanks for the good things happening at Immanuel Church!  Click below to view… Dec 2018 Journey Connection