Spring is in the air, new life is upon us, and signs of God’s love is all around… Take some time to read through our Journey Connection and rejoice with us!!
Spring is in the air, new life is upon us, and signs of God’s love is all around… Take some time to read through our Journey Connection and rejoice with us!!
Let the LOVE shower down at Immanuel, where we strive to be and make Spirit-filled followers of Christ who shine the light of God’s love to the world! Our Journey Connection is bursting with that love; check it out!
Reflecting back with gratitude, looking forward with hope, through it all with our constant…Immanuel ~ God with us! Read of our resounding joy in our Journey Connection.
Tis the season to reimagine Hope…Peace…Joy…Love… Immanuel’s Journey Connection highlights some of the ways we try to embody those spiritual gifts…consider joining us!
November…the month that draws our focus towards gratitude. Remember 1 Thessalonians 5:18… “give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”. Immanuel’s Journey Connection highlights some of our reasons to be thankful; check it out.
Psalm 104:24 What a wildly wonderful world, GOD! You made it all, with Wisdom at your side, made earth overflow with your wonderful creations! Check out our October Journey Connection and see the wonderful ways GOD is working in and through Immanuel Church!
Another change in seasons is just around the bend! As things “fall” back into place at Immanuel, consider joining us for Rally Sundae on September 8th…we don’t want to “leave” anyone behind so check out our September Journey Connection for details!
As we work our way through the book of James this summer, a recurring message is Rise Above! Whether in our words or deeds, we are called to be more Christlike as Spirit-filled followers who are striving to shine the light of God’s love to the world! See what that looks like for us inside our August Journey Connection!
See how the flowers of the field grow ~Matthew 6:28 This summer as you look upon God’s splendor, be sure to stop,breathe, give thanks and praise; we truly have so much to be thankful for! Enjoy our July Journey Connection!
J.A.M. ~ Jesus And Me! JAM…in Worship and Song! JAM…growing in Spirit and Truth! JAM…serving in Faithfulness and Generosity! JAM…in Fellowship and Community! Check out our Journey Connection and see how JAM spreads Love around Immanuel Church and beyond!